P.J. Patterson Speeches
Labour Day Speeches
1. 1996 May 23. Text of Labour day message by Prime Minister Rt. Hon. P.J.
Patterson, PC, QC, Mp. Re: "A new vision of the role of workers".
2. 1997 April 24. Remarks by Prime Minister Rt. Hon. P.J. Patterson at the National
launch of Labour Day 1997. Re: Labour Day and the historical tradition.
3. 1998 May 25. Speaking notes for HPM's tour of Mandela Park- National Labour
Day Project. Re: Mandela Park beautification.
4. 1998 April 16. Remarks by Rt. Hon. Prime Minister for launching of Labour Day
1998, Kings House ground. Re: The Purpose of Labour D~y.
5. 1999 February 18. Speech for the Rt. Hon P.J. Patterson at the launch of Labour
Day 1999 at Kings House. Re: Labour Day and V olunteerism.
6. 2000 March 21. Speaking notes for Prime Minister Rt. Hon. P.J. Patterson, PC,
QC, Mp for launch of Labour Day 2000. Re: Labour Day and the launch of the
Clean-up Campaign.
7. 2001 March 22. Speaking notes for Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. P.J. Patterson, QC,
and MP at launch of Labour D~y2001. Re: Labour Day and School improvement.
8. 2002 May 2. Address by Prime'l1Minister P.J. Patterson launch of labour Day.
"Jamaica Nice and clean", Nelson Mandela Park, Half Way Tree. Re: Labour Day
and maintaining a clean environment.
9. 2003 April 16. Address by Prime Minister Most Hon. P.J. Patterson, ON, PC, QC,
and MP at National Labour Day launch at King's House. Re: Labour Day
10. 2004 May 23. Message from Most Hon. P.J. Patterson ON, PC, QC, MP, Prime
Minister of Jamaica. Labour Day as a National effort.
11. 2005 April 6. Notes for address by Most. Hon. P.J. Patterson, ON, PC, QC, MP,
Prime Minister of Jamaica at launch of National Labour Day 2005.Re: Labour
12. 2005 May 23. Labour Day message from the Most Hon. P.J. Patterson ON, PC,
QC, MP, Prime Minister.Re: Labour Day and Preparation for Diaster.